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How They Are Trapped Innocent People? I am also one of the victims of Qnet. The uplines or people at the higher levels have created such a methodology that traps you in such a way that even if you wish to come out of it you cannot. First of all you will be signed up by showing you huge dreams, business opportunities and lots of lies. Lying is a heart and soul of this business. You can be trapped by calling you to five star hotels where you will be offered only tea or coffee as the person responsible for your plan has to pay for it. The bill normally comes under 1000. Then there will be a senior business partner who will meet with you and will touch your right chords. You might not be happy with your current job, you might not be making too much profits in your business and these people are too smart to focus on it. Then they will tell you what is the potential of this business. This I feel is more of hypnotising techniques.